Four Reasons Why It Is Important To Obtain Your National Senior Certificate
Four reasons why it is important to obtain your National Senior Certificate
The National Senior Certificate has become an annual event of major public significance. It not only signifies the culmination of twelve years of formal schooling but the NSC examinations is a barometer of the health of the education system.
Why is it important to obtain your National Senior Certificate?
- The National Senior Certificate is a 3- year programmed that consist of Grades 10,11,12. This means that each grade has to be completed and passed separately. This was awarded by UMALUSI.
- The National Senior Certificate is a curriculum designed for learners residing in South Africa. All face to face assessment will only be conducted in South Africa by designated NSC educators in their subject of expertise.
- The National Senior Certificate enables learners to access to a variety of post-school opportunities depending on their performance in Grade 12. The opportunities include entry-level employment, admission to internships, and admission to colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.
- The National Senior Certificate is a significant achievement in that it signals to learners and guardians that the individual has successfully completed his/her required years of schooling.
As a country we need to make a much greater investment in education at the level that produces the greatest social and economic return. It is only by giving back to the most important formative years that we will get education system right and produce senior certificate results that we can be proud of.
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